Kubernetes Webinar | Sela | Sela.
Sela. | Cloud Better.
Sela Webinar | Kubernetes

Kubernetes Webinar





Kubernetes Webinar | February 22th | 10:00- 11:10  | Online


This is online! From the comfort of your home, office, laptop, mobile


We are pleased to invite you to the Sela. Webinar
on February 22th | 10:00- 11:10  | Online


Join Sela and Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the Kubernetes Webinar, where we will discuss the latest trends and best practices for running Kubernetes in production.


The webinar will be held on February 22th at 10:00-11:10 am and will include a user story running Amazon EKS at scale.


The webinar will be presented by AWS and Sela experts, who will share their knowledge and experience in running Kubernetes in production.


Plus, we’ll be offering a Q&A session for any questions you might have.


Register today to reserve your spot for the webinar 




10:00- 10:10 Welcome

10:10- 10:40 Managing EKS at Scale

Natali Cutic, Cloud Consultant, Sela.

Noam Amrani, Chief Architect, Sela.

10:40- 11:10 AWS re:ivent recap- What’s new and what’s next with Amazon EKS

Nati Cohen, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services


We look forward to seeing you there!




